How to make a cloud in a jar

Apr 16, 2024

Weather news is high on the list of what readers want to know daily. But where does weather come from? Why does it rain? Children and adults will have fun learning about weather with this hands-on Kid Scoop page featuring April showers.

Show this page to your retailers who stock umbrellas, to biomedical industries, and local pharmacies. They all have a stake in growing future scientists and they are ideal Kid Scoop sponsors for new revenue.

Many industries require employees with strong science and math knowledge. Kid Scoop brings science and math learning to your readers in a fun format. The “make a cloud in a jar” activity brings together children and adults in the family. The Kid Scoop science pages help children acquire new vocabulary words about science as they read about how rainy weather forms.

Did you notice the Extra! Extra! activity that takes children into other parts of your newspaper? Read the “Standards Link” with it. With this activity, children get practice with the important skill of “Understanding Cause and Effect.”

Your newspaper is often the first experience children have with professional reporting. Connect with parents and children by including this Kid Scoop youth content in your newspaper. Reach out to teachers of science and math. They are always looking for stimulating resources to help children learn.

For details, please contact Dan “Partly Cloudy” Dalton at 909-793-9890 or He will help you structure a Kid Scoop plan that works for your budget and space.